My Twitter Updates

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


So, I've been a little slack since the marathon... I've run a couple of 5K's and one 10 mile run, one session at gym, and that's it..

What to do?? What to do?? I surfed on over to GYM JONES and CROSS FIT and dug out some great articles from Runner's World and MH... So, I'm stoked.

I've got the Peachtree in July, the Rock 'N' Roll Half on Labor Day, and I want to do as much rowing, swimming and cross training as possible in between.

I'll check in a week or so from now and see where I'm at. Big Words. But they say putting it out there helps you stick to it, so we'll see.

1 comment:

a.maria said...

YAY gym jones! YAY crossfit! not enough people in our bloggy world even know what they are!

YAY! its a cult.
